Université Paris-Sud Faculté de Pharmacie CNRS INSERM


avril 2024 :

Rien pour ce mois

mars 2024 | mai 2024

Accueil > Plateformes > CYM


Co–Auteur :

1. Timaxian C, Vogel CFA, Orcel C, Vetter D, Durochat C, Chinal C, NGuyen P, Aknin M-L , Mercier-Nomé F, Davy M, Raymond-Letron I, Van T-N-N, Diermeier S D, Godefroy A, Gary-Bobo M, Molina F, Balabanian K, Lazennec G. Pivotal Role for Cxcr2 in Regulating Tumor-Associated Neutrophil in Breast Cancer. Cancers (Basel). 2021 May 25 ;13(11):2584.

2. Gallego C, Vétillard M, Calmette J, Roriz M, Marin-Esteban V, Evrard M, Aknin ML, Pionnier N, Lefrançois M,Mercier-Nomé F, Bertrand Y, Suarez F, Donadieu J, Ng LG, Balabanian K, Bachelerie F, Schlecht-Louf G. CXCR4 signaling controls dendritic cell location and activation at steady-state and in inflammation. Blood (2021) 137 (20) :

3. Coulibaly ASK, Ciocan D, Schelcht-Louf G, Trainel N, Viel S, Perrin C, Lievan-Le Moal V, Perlemuter G, et.Cassard AM. Impact du récepteur aux hydrocarbures aromatiques (ahR) sur l’immunité intestinale au cours de la MAF. 87e congrès de l’AFEP 2020.

4. Freitas C, Wittner M, Nguyen J, Rondeau V, Biajoux V, Aknin ML, Gaudin F, Beaussant–Cohen S, Bertrand Y, Bellanné–Chantelot C, Donadieu J, Bachelerie F, Espéli M, Dalloul A, Louache F, Balabanian K. Lymphoid differentiation of hematopoietic stem cells requires efficient Cxcr4 desensitization. J Exp Med. 2017 Jul 3 ;214 (7):2023–204

5. Pionnier N, Brotin E, Karadjian G, Hemon P, Gaudin–Nomé F, Vallarino–Lhermitte N, Nieguitsila A, Fercoq F, Aknin ML, Marin–Esteban V, Chollet–Martin S, Schlecht–Louf G, Bachelerie F, Martin C. Neutropenic Mice Provide Insight into the Role of Skin–Infiltrating Neutrophils in the Host Protective Immunity against Filarial Infective Larvae. PloS Negl Trop Dis. 2016 Apr 25 ;10(4):e0004605.

6. Meuris F, Gaudin F, Aknin ML, Hémon P, Berrebi D, Bachelerie F. Symptomatic Improvement in Human Papillomavirus–Induced Epithelial Neoplasia by Specific Targeting of the CXCR4 Chemokine Receptor. J Invest Dermatol. 2016 Feb ;136(2):473–80.

7. Maciejewski–Duval A, Meuris F, Bignon A, Aknin ML, Balabanian K, Faivre L, Pasquet M, Barlogis V, Fieschi C, Bellanné–Chantelot C, Donadieu J, Schlecht–Louf G, Marin–Esteban V, Bachelerie F. Altered chemotactic response to CXCL12 in patients carrying GATA2 mutations. J Leukoc Biol. 2016 Jun ;99(6):1065–76.


1. Beuret L, Fortier-Beaulieu S-P, Rondeau V, Roy S, Houde N, Balabanian K, Espéli M, Charron J. Mek 1 and Mek 2 Functional Redundancy in Erythropoiesis. Front. Cell Dev. Biol., 27 July 2021

2. Alouche N, Bonaud A, Rondeau V, Hussein-Agha R, Nguyen J, Bisio V, Khamyath M, Crickx E, Setterblad N, Dulphy N, Mahevas M, McDermott D H , Murphy P M, Balabanian K, Espéli M Hematologic disorder–associated Cxcr4 gain-of-function mutation leads to uncontrolled extrafollicular immune response. Blood 2021 137 : 3050-3063

3. Yousra Laouarem Y, Abdelmoumen Kassoussi, Amina Zahaf, Tom Hutteau-Hamel, Amine Mellouk, Pierre Bobé, Claudia Mattern, Michael Schumacher, Elisabeth Traiffort. Functional cooperation of the hedgehog and androgensignaling pathways during developmental and repairing myelination Glia. 2021 (69) :1369–1392.

4. Wrzosek L, Ciocan D, Hugot C, Spatz M, Dupeux M, Houron C, Lievin-Le Moal V, Puchois V, Ferrere G, Trainel N, Mercier-Nomé F, Durand S, Kroemer G, Voican CS, Emond P, Straube M, Sokol H, Perlemuter G, Cassard AM. Microbiota tryptophan metabolism induces aryl hydrocarbon receptor activation and improves alcohol-induced liver injury. Gut. 2020. doi : 10.1136/gutjnl-2020-321565.

5. Helou DG, Noël B, Gaudin F, Groux H, El Ali Z, Pallardy M, Chollet–Martin S,Kerdine–Römer S. Cutting Edge : Nrf2 Regulates Neutrophil Recruitment and Accumulation in Skin during Contact Hypersensitivity. J Immunol April 15, 2019,202 (8) : 2189–2194

6. De Bourayne M, Gallais Y, El Ali Z, Rousseau P, Damiens MH, Cochet C, Filhol O, Chollet–Martin S, Pallardy M, Kerdine–Römer S. CK2 controls T ?cell polarization through dendritic cell activation in response to contact sensitizers. J Leukoc Biol 2017, March, 101(3) : 703–715.

7. Biajoux V, Freitas C, Alouche N, Sacquin A, Hemon P, Gaudin F, Fazilleau N, Espéli M, Balabanian K. Efficient Plasma Cell Differentiation and Trafficking Require Cxcr4 Desensitization. Cell Reports 2016,